
December 3, 2020

I’m Sam Carpenter, a past Republican US Senate and Oregon gubernatorial candidate.

For a live-stream video I recorded yesterday, December 2nd, go here. It summarizes where I stand, and the state of Oregon. Agree or disagree, you’ll find it interesting.

My wife Diana and I recently departed Bend, where I’ve owned a small business with sixty employees for the last thirty-six years. From early 2016 when I publicly endorsed Donald Trump’s candidacy, Diana and I have been unabashed supporters. I’m now a political commentator regarding Oregon, but may be bowing out soon, (for sure if Donald Trump doesn’t get his second term). We live in rural eastern Kentucky now.

Donald Trump, Sam Carpenter
April 2016

In the past few years this MOGA page has gained 93,000 enthusiastic Oregon Republican subscribers.

Our largest lesson from years deep within the Oregon political meat-grinder? For the Democrat Left AND our own top state-level Republican leadership, facts-don’t-matter when there is an ulterior motive. Are you watching DC politics? Know that the same brand of political chicanery and dysfunction is in Oregon too, within our own Party. (But that could be dramatically changed soon: watch the video I noted in the first paragraph, above).

Our reach and engagement* compared to the Oregon Republican Party and Governor Kate Brown? It’s illustrated by our October 5th, 2020 Facebook statistics (80% of adult Americans have a Facebook Page). These numbers were accumulated over the last 7 days :

*(Regarding the above statistics, note that “Engagement” is significantly impacted by the number of comments per post and that well over 50% of Governor Brown’s are intensely negative.)

You know precisely what’s going on “out there.” We urge you to continue to monitor the fight…but to dig in and spend most of your energy taking care of your own family. It’s time to go on personal defense yet keep up the pressure. That’s what Diana and I are doing. Like you, we are hoping and praying for a Trump second term.

With Tucker Carlson

With our daily updates, we break the latest news, move opinion, create group-momentum…and get people elected. And for sure, over the last year we’ve battered Oregon’s powerful Democrat and Republican Ruling Class status quo.

There’s an enormous amount of material in this site (See NEWSROOM).

Sam and Diana Carpenter

Why MOGA2020 Matters:
We’re Republicans, but we stand for President Trump-supporting, limited-government grassroots voters of all political persuasions. Always have. Our ultimate goal?…Read more

Is this a war? Yes, of course it is. It’s the elite ruling class vs. you, the Grassroots. Yes, the ruling class inhabits both sides of the political aisle. There is no longer any question about the intentions of the irrational Democrat progressive Left. Their singular quest is for power. They truly don’t care about you…Read more

The Book
Making Oregon Great Again. Go here to download.

Here are some recent posts:
COVID-19: House Arrest
Democrats NEVER do this: Equivocation

Also, read David Horowitz’ essay, Fighting Words.

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